Friday, May 7, 2010

Day 4: PanchaKarma - Ayurvedic Cleanse

Today I was a good girl and ate all the correct food for my cleanse -and man am I starting to enjoy the wonderful effects of a fiber-filled diet - if ya know what I mean ;)

I took a long walk with Iggy during the day since he was biting at my toes and my head was about to explode from the computer screen. I keep having this recurring day dream which brings back to mind the 'initiative' I created in my Wisdom Course last year... My initiative was that I was a 'dream weaver' - that my job was to help others make their dreams come true. From that initiative my Wisdom Buddy, Melissa and I came up with a business idea which did exactly that - coached people in a powerful way to help them produce their dreams. Over the past year I keep expanding on it and I really feel like my role would also be to connect creative people who lack capital up with investors. As it stands I know plenty of creative people without capital - and only a few with the extra money to invest. So that's what I'm going to put out there -- my initiative is to coach talented people towards their dreams and to connect them to financially abundant, conscious people who want to make a difference in their community or in the world. --If anyone would like to coach me in how I might go forward with this idea - I'm all ears...

Part of the concept behind doing this cleanse and 'preparing' for my upcoming marriage this way is to really step into my own power, my true 'adult as possibility' self. So I see this cleanse helping me flush away blockages that limit me in life and I see my commitment to Peter as the rock that I can build upon. I'm ready to take the leap...

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